Young man walking outside U-M Flint College, 1970

Get Involved with the IHP

The IHP Fund and Events

The IHP serves as a hub for a range of activities related to its mission, and engaging people across and beyond the university’s campuses is vital to its success. The IHP Fund provides support for teaching, research, and other activities related to the project, and IHP events offer opportunities to learn about and join our work.

Funding Opportunities

The IHP Fund provides support for faculty, staff, and students on the university’s three campuses to undertake research projects, teaching initiatives, and other activities that facilitate learning about and communicating
U-M’s history.

IHP Events

The IHP hosts public events that share research findings and project updates with the U-M community and the university’s neighbors, and also co-sponsors events across the university that advance the project’s mission. Please join us at an upcoming event, or visit our archive of past events.